Mastering DataDog: Delay Notification Until Business Hours Like a Pro
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Mastering DataDog: Delay Notification Until Business Hours Like a Pro

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Are you tired of receiving notifications from DataDog during non-business hours, disturbing your well-deserved rest or interrupting your weekend getaway? Do you want to make the most out of your monitoring tool without sacrificing your work-life balance? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to delay notifications until business hours, ensuring you stay on top of your game while maintaining a healthy dose of sanity.

Why Delay Notifications Until Business Hours?

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to strike a balance between being proactive and respecting your personal time. DataDog’s real-time monitoring capabilities are fantastic, but sometimes, less is more. By delaying notifications until business hours, you can:

  • Reduce noise and minimize fatigue
  • Focus on critical issues during work hours
  • Improve response times and incident resolution
  • Enhance collaboration and teamwork
  • Get a better work-life balance (yes, it’s possible!)

Prerequisites and Assumptions

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, make sure you:

  1. Have a DataDog account with administrator privileges
  2. Are familiar with DataDog’s UI and basic concepts (e.g., monitors, notifications, and alerting)
  3. Have a basic understanding of templating and conditional logic

Delaying Notifications Using Conditional Logic

DataDog’s conditional logic feature allows you to create custom rules for notification routing. We’ll leverage this feature to delay notifications until business hours.

Step 1: Create a new conditional logic rule

In your DataDog account, navigate to Settings > Notifications > Conditional Logic. Click the + New Rule button.
Step 2: Define the rule logic

Name your rule (e.g., "Delay notifications until business hours") and add the following conditions:

* if hour_of_day() < 9 or hour_of_day() > 17 then
	+ delay  notification until next_business_hour()

This rule checks if the current hour is before 9 am or after 5 pm. If true, it delays the notification until the next business hour.
Step 3: Configure the notification routing

In the same conditional logic rule, add a notification routing action:

* route notification to (or your preferred notification channel)

This ensures that notifications are sent to the designated team or channel during business hours.

Using Templating to Enhance the Delayed Notification

Templating allows you to customize the notification content with dynamic values and conditional logic. We’ll use templating to add context and clarity to our delayed notifications.

Step 1: Create a new notification template

In your DataDog account, navigate to Settings > Notifications > Templates. Click the + New Template button.
Step 2: Define the template

Name your template (e.g., "Delayed Notification Template") and add the following code:

{{#if delayed}}
Delayed Notification:

* {{#if delayed}} checks if the notification was delayed
* Delayed Notification: adds a clear label to the notification
* {{event.message}} includes the original event message
Step 3: Assign the template to the conditional logic rule

In the conditional logic rule created earlier, update the notification routing action to use the new template:

* route notification to template "Delayed Notification Template"

Configuring Business Hours and Holidays

To accurately determine business hours, you’ll need to configure your DataDog account to recognize your organization’s schedule.

Step 1: Define business hours

In your DataDog account, navigate to Settings > Notifications > Business Hours. Set your organization's business hours (e.g., Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm).
Step 2: Add holidays and exceptions

In the same business hours configuration page, add your organization's holidays and exceptions (e.g., Christmas, New Year's Day, or summer Fridays off).

Putting it All Together

By combining conditional logic, templating, and business hour configuration, you’ve successfully delayed notifications until business hours in DataDog!

Before After
Notification: “Server Down!” Notification: “Delayed Notification: Server Down!”


Delaying notifications until business hours in DataDog is a straightforward process that requires some creativity and configuration. By following this guide, you’ve mastered the art of balancing real-time monitoring with a healthy work-life balance. Remember to review and adjust your setup as needed to ensure seamless operation and optimized incident response.

What’s next? Start exploring more advanced DataDog features, such as anomaly detection, APM tracing, and synthetic monitoring. The possibilities are endless, and with your newfound mastery of delayed notifications, you’re ready to take on any challenge that comes your way!

Happy monitoring, and may your notifications be few and far between (outside of business hours, of course)!

Frequently Asked Question

We’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs about DataDog delay notification until business hours.

What is the purpose of delaying notifications until business hours in DataDog?

Delaying notifications until business hours in DataDog allows you to minimize noise and distractions outside of working hours, ensuring that your team is only alerted to critical issues during times when they can take immediate action.

How do I configure DataDog to delay notifications until business hours?

To configure DataDog to delay notifications until business hours, go to the Notifications tab, click on “Edit” next to the notification rule, and toggle on “Delay notifications until business hours” under the “Advanced” section. Then, specify your business hours and save the changes.

Can I customize the business hours in DataDog delay notification feature?

Yes, you can customize the business hours in DataDog to fit your team’s unique needs. When configuring the delay notification feature, you can set the start and end times for your business hours, as well as specify the days of the week that are considered “business days”.

Will I still receive notifications outside of business hours if it’s a critical issue?

By default, DataDog will still send notifications for critical issues outside of business hours. However, you can configure the notification rule to override this behavior and delay notifications for even critical issues until business hours.

Can I use the delay notification feature in conjunction with other DataDog notification features?

Yes, the delay notification feature can be used in conjunction with other DataDog notification features, such as notification escalation, to create a customized notification workflow that fits your team’s needs.