Mastering Scheduled and Manual Runs: Set Branch for Scheduled Runs, Retain Ability to Select Branch for Manual Runs
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Mastering Scheduled and Manual Runs: Set Branch for Scheduled Runs, Retain Ability to Select Branch for Manual Runs

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As a developer, you understand the importance of automation in your workflow. Scheduled runs can save you a significant amount of time and effort, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks. However, there may be instances where you need to manually run a pipeline with a specific branch. In this article, we’ll explore how to set a branch for scheduled runs while retaining the ability to select a branch for manual runs.

Understanding Scheduled Runs

Scheduled runs are automated pipeline executions that occur at a predetermined time or interval. They’re ideal for tasks that require frequent execution, such as nightly builds or deployments. By setting up a scheduled run, you can ensure that your pipeline is executed consistently, without human intervention.

Benefits of Scheduled Runs

  • Consistency: Scheduled runs guarantee that your pipeline is executed at the same time every day, week, or month.
  • Efficiency: Automation saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.
  • Reliability: Scheduled runs reduce the likelihood of human error, ensuring that your pipeline is executed correctly.

Understanding Manual Runs

Manual runs, on the other hand, are pipeline executions triggered by a user. They’re ideal for tasks that require human intervention, such as testing or debugging. Manual runs provide flexibility and allow you to execute your pipeline with specific parameters or branches.

Benefits of Manual Runs

  • Flexibility: Manual runs allow you to execute your pipeline with specific parameters or branches.
  • Control: You have complete control over when and how your pipeline is executed.
  • Debugging: Manual runs enable you to test and debug your pipeline with specific inputs or branches.

Setting a Branch for Scheduled Runs

To set a branch for scheduled runs, you’ll need to configure your pipeline settings. The exact steps may vary depending on your pipeline tool or platform. Here’s an example using a popular pipeline tool:

pipeline {
  agent any
  triggers {
    cron '0 0 * * *' // Run every night at midnight
  stage('Build') {
    steps {
      git branch: 'main', url: ''
      sh 'make build'

In this example, the pipeline is set to run every night at midnight, using the main branch. The git step checks out the specified branch, and the sh step executes the build command.

Retaining the Ability to Select a Branch for Manual Runs

To retain the ability to select a branch for manual runs, you’ll need to add a parameter to your pipeline. This parameter will allow you to specify the branch when triggering a manual run. Here’s an updated example:

pipeline {
  agent any
  parameters {
    string(name: 'BRANCH', defaultValue: 'main', description: 'Branch to use for manual runs')
  triggers {
    cron '0 0 * * *' // Run every night at midnight
  stage('Build') {
    steps {
      git branch: "${params.BRANCH}", url: ''
      sh 'make build'

In this updated example, a parameters block is added to define a string parameter called BRANCH. The defaultValue is set to main, but you can overwrite this value when triggering a manual run. The git step uses the ${params.BRANCH} variable to check out the specified branch.

Triggering a Manual Run with a Specific Branch

To trigger a manual run with a specific branch, follow these steps:

  1. Access your pipeline tool or platform.
  2. Find the pipeline you want to trigger manually.
  3. Click the “Run” or “Trigger” button.
  4. In the “Run pipeline” or “Trigger pipeline” form, enter the desired branch in the BRANCH parameter field.
  5. Click the “Run” or “Trigger” button to execute the pipeline.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to trigger a manual run with a specific branch, while retaining the ability to set a default branch for scheduled runs.

Best Practices for Scheduled and Manual Runs

To get the most out of your pipeline, follow these best practices:

Best Practice Description
Use meaningful branch names Use descriptive branch names to avoid confusion and ensure that manual runs use the correct branch.
Set a default branch for scheduled runs Set a default branch for scheduled runs to ensure consistency and reliability.
Use parameters for manual runs Use parameters to allow flexibility in manual runs and enable users to specify the desired branch or parameters.
Test pipelines regularly Test pipelines regularly to ensure that they’re working correctly and identify any issues early on.


In conclusion, setting a branch for scheduled runs while retaining the ability to select a branch for manual runs is a powerful feature in pipeline management. By following the instructions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to configure your pipeline to meet your specific needs. Remember to follow best practices to ensure consistency, reliability, and flexibility in your pipeline.

With scheduled and manual runs, you can automate repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and increase efficiency. By mastering these concepts, you’ll be able to streamline your workflow and focus on more critical tasks.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about setting branches for scheduled runs while retaining the ability to select branches for manual runs? We’ve got answers!

What is the purpose of setting a branch for scheduled runs?

Setting a branch for scheduled runs allows you to automate your workflow by specifying the branch that should be used for builds triggered by schedules. This ensures consistency and predictability in your build process.

Can I still select a different branch for manual runs if I set a branch for scheduled runs?

Yes, you can! Setting a branch for scheduled runs does not restrict you from selecting a different branch for manual runs. You can choose a different branch for manual runs, giving you the flexibility to test and validate different code changes.

How do I set a branch for scheduled runs?

You can set a branch for scheduled runs by configuring your pipeline settings. Go to your pipeline settings, click on the “Triggers” tab, and select the “Schedules” option. From there, you can specify the branch that should be used for scheduled runs.

What happens if I don’t set a branch for scheduled runs?

If you don’t set a branch for scheduled runs, your pipeline will use the default branch specified in your repository settings. This might not be the desired behavior, especially if you have multiple branches with different code changes. To ensure consistency, it’s recommended to set a branch for scheduled runs.

Can I set different branches for different scheduled runs?

Yes, you can! You can set different branches for different scheduled runs by creating multiple schedules, each with its own branch setting. This gives you the flexibility to automate different workflows and test various code changes.