The Ultimate Guide to Keyloggers: How to Get a Character from a Key Code?
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The Ultimate Guide to Keyloggers: How to Get a Character from a Key Code?

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Welcome to the world of keyloggers, where the mysteries of keyboard inputs are unraveled! As a developer or security enthusiast, you might have stumbled upon the concept of keyloggers and wondered how they work their magic. In this article, we’ll delve into the realm of keyloggers and explore the intricacies of getting a character from a key code. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of keyloggers!

What is a Keylogger?

A keylogger is a software or hardware tool that records every keystroke made on a keyboard. It can be used for malicious purposes, such as stealing passwords or sensitive information, or for legitimate reasons, like monitoring employee productivity or tracking keyboard usage. Keyloggers work by capturing the key codes generated by the keyboard and translating them into human-readable characters.

How Do Keyloggers Work?

Keyloggers work by intercepting the keyboard input signal sent to the operating system. This signal is comprised of key codes, which are numerical representations of the keys pressed on the keyboard. The keylogger then translates these key codes into characters using a predefined mapping. This mapping is usually based on the keyboard layout and language settings.

Key Code vs. Character

It’s essential to understand the difference between a key code and a character. A key code is a numerical value representing a specific key on the keyboard, whereas a character is the actual symbol or letter displayed on the screen. For example, when you press the “A” key on your keyboard, the key code generated is 65, but the character displayed is the letter “A”.

Getting a Character from a Key Code

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the meat of the matter – getting a character from a key code. This process involves mapping the key code to the corresponding character using a predefined mapping or algorithm.

Method 1: Using a Key Code to Character Mapping Table

One way to get a character from a key code is by using a pre-defined mapping table. This table contains a list of key codes and their corresponding characters. Here’s an example of such a table:

Key Code Character
65 A
66 B
67 C

To get a character from a key code using this method, you simply look up the key code in the table and retrieve the corresponding character.

Method 2: Using a Keyboard Layout and Language Settings

Another way to get a character from a key code is by using the keyboard layout and language settings. This method involves taking into account the specific keyboard layout, language, and character set being used.

For example, if the keyboard layout is set to QWERTY and the language is English, the key code 65 would correspond to the character “A”. However, if the keyboard layout is set to AZERTY and the language is French, the key code 65 would correspond to the character “Q”.

This method requires a more complex algorithm that takes into account the keyboard layout, language, and character set to accurately map the key code to the corresponding character.

Programming Languages and Keyloggers

Several programming languages can be used to create keyloggers, including C++, Java, Python, and C#. Each language has its own set of libraries and APIs that provide functionality for capturing keyboard input and translating key codes into characters.

C++ Keylogger Example

Here’s an example of a simple keylogger written in C++:


int main() {
  // Create a hook to capture keyboard input
  HHOOK hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardProc, NULL, 0);
  // Loop until the hook is released
  MSG msg;
  while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
  // Release the hook
  return 0;

LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
  // Check if the key was pressed or released
  if (nCode == HC_ACTION) {
    // Get the key code
    int keyCode = wParam;
    // Get the character from the key code using a mapping table
    char character = GetCharFromKeyCode(keyCode);
    // Process the character
    printf("Key pressed: %c\n", character);
  // Call the next hook
  return CallNextHookEx(NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam);

This example uses the Windows API to create a hook that captures keyboard input and translates the key codes into characters using a predefined mapping table.

Best Practices for Keylogger Development

When developing a keylogger, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure that your software is secure, efficient, and respectful of users’ privacy.

  • Use secure and efficient algorithms for capturing keyboard input and translating key codes into characters.
  • Respect users’ privacy by only capturing necessary information and ensuring that sensitive data is protected.
  • Provide users with clear instructions and consent forms before installing or using the keylogger.
  • Ensure that the keylogger is compatiable with different keyboard layouts, languages, and character sets.
  • Test the keylogger thoroughly to ensure that it functions correctly and doesn’t cause system crashes or errors.


In conclusion, getting a character from a key code is a fundamental aspect of keylogger development. By understanding the basics of keyloggers, key codes, and character mapping, you can create efficient and effective keyloggers that meet your specific needs. Remember to follow best practices and respect users’ privacy to ensure that your keylogger is secure and trustworthy.


Frequently asked questions about keyloggers and getting a character from a key code:

  1. Q: What is a keylogger?

    A: A keylogger is a software or hardware tool that records every keystroke made on a keyboard.

  2. Q: How do keyloggers work?

    A: Keyloggers work by intercepting the keyboard input signal sent to the operating system and translating the key codes into characters using a predefined mapping.

  3. Q: What is the difference between a key code and a character?

    A: A key code is a numerical value representing a specific key on the keyboard, whereas a character is the actual symbol or letter displayed on the screen.

  4. Q: How can I get a character from a key code?

    A: You can get a character from a key code using a predefined mapping table or by using a keyboard layout and language settings.

  5. Q: What programming languages can be used to create keyloggers?

    A: Several programming languages can be used to create keyloggers, including C++, Java, Python, and C#.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with a deeper understanding of keyloggers and how to get a character from a key code. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know the secrets of keyloggers? Here are some frequently asked questions about how to get a character from a key code!

What is a key code and how does it relate to keyloggers?

A key code is a unique numerical value assigned to each key on your keyboard. Keyloggers use these key codes to identify which key is pressed and translate it into the corresponding character. Think of it like a secret code that only your keyboard and keylogger understand!

How do I get the character from a key code?

Ah-ha! To get the character from a key code, you can use a key code to character mapping table. This table matches each key code to its corresponding character. For example, the key code 65 corresponds to the character ‘A’. You can find these tables online or create your own mapping system!

What are some common key codes I should know?

Good question! Here are some common key codes you should know: 8 (Backspace), 13 (Enter), 32 (Space), 65-90 (A-Z), and 97-122 (a-z). These key codes are commonly used in keyloggers to capture user input. Now you know the secret codes!

Can I use key codes to detect special keys like Shift or Ctrl?

Yes, you can! Keyloggers can detect special keys like Shift, Ctrl, and Alt using key codes. For example, the key code 16 corresponds to the Shift key. You can use these key codes to detect modifier keys and capture more complex keyboard input!

Is it legal to use keyloggers to capture user input?

Caution! Using keyloggers to capture user input without their consent is a big no-no! Keyloggers can be used for malicious purposes like spying or data theft. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions and follow ethical guidelines when developing or using keyloggers!

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